Thursday, 21 March 2013

some of my sketches

I was bored today and then decided to clean out my room when i stumbled on some of my very old sketches. So i thought to share it with you guys and add in some of my more recent ones. Nothing professional though, i don't know how to draw but many a times i like to doodle some designs that cross my mind. Feed your eyes on my beloved though amateurish sketches.......
Earlier sketches like some six years ago, very primary school looking X_X


More Recent sketches, not much improvement sef...........



  1. Did you sketch this in primary 5?. LOL. Anyway nice sketches you've got here. :)

  2. Great talent cuz!

  3. Nice concepts..I wud rili love it if u could bring dem to wud b lovely..:-)
